- Position:
- Senior Scientist
- Email:
- kotik@biomed.cas.cz
- Phone:
- (+420) 296 442 569
- Address:
- Laboratory of Biotransformation
Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences - Vídeňská 1083
Praha 4 – Krč
142 20 - Czech Republic
- Graduated in biotechnology, Department of Life Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich (1987)
- PhD-work at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich (1992)
Research Orientation
- Biocatalytic production of enantiomerically pure compounds and synthons
- Molecular biology and enzyme characterisation techniques: cloning, overproduction and kinetics of biotechnologically relevant enzymes (epoxide hydrolases, haloalkane dehalogenases, glycosidases and tyrosinases)
- Laboratory evolution of enzymes
- Metagenomes and microbial communities
Projects and co-operations
- Access to enantiopure epoxides and vicinal diols using epoxide hydrolases – co-operation with A. Archelas and G. Iacazio (Marseille, France)
- Diglycosidases: microbial disaccharide-specific glycosidases – co-operation with J. Breccia (Santa Rosa, Argentina)
- Novel haloalkane dehalogenases and microbial communities from polluted groundwaters – co-operation with P. Baldrian (Prague) and J. Damborský (Brno)
- Tyrosinases as tools for wastewater treatment: see the web page of Dr. L. Martínková
- Ludmila Martínková, Michael Kotík, Natalia Kulik, Barbora Křístková, Katarína Šťastná, Margit Winkler: Aldoxime dehydratases: production, immobilization, and use in multistep processes. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 108 (1), 518:1-19 (2024).
- Ludmila Martínková, Natalia Kulik, Lenka Rucká, Michael Kotík, Barbora Křístková, Katarína Šťastná, Petr Novotný, Romana Příhodová, Pavla Bojarová, Miroslav Pátek: Biotransformation of free cyanide to formic acid by a cyanide hydratase-formamidase cascade reaction. Process Biochemistry, 142, July 2024, 62-67 (2024).
- Barbora Křístková, Ludmila Martínková, Lenka Rucká, Michael Kotík, Natalia Kulik, Robert Rädish, Margit Winkler, Miroslav Pátek: Immobilization of aldoxime dehydratases on metal affinity resins and use of the immobilized catalysts for the synthesis of nitriles important in fragrance industry. Journal of Biotechnology, 384, 20 March 2024, 12-19 (2024).
- Michael Kotík, Natalia Kulik, Kateřina Valentová: Flavonoids as Aglycones in Retaining Glycosidase-Catalyzed Reactions: Prospects for Green Chemistry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 71 (41), 14890-14910 (2023).
- Pavlína Nekvasilová, Kulik Natalia, Michael Kotík, Lucie Petrásková, Kristýna Slámová, Vladimír Křen, Pavla Bojarová: Mutation Hotspot for Changing the Substrate Specificity of β-N-Acetylhexosaminidase: A Library of GlcNAcases. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (20), 12456: 1-17 (2022).
- Kotík Michael, Brodsky Katerina, Halada Petr, Javůrková Hana, Pelantová Helena, Konvalinková Dorota, Bojarová Pavla, Křen Vladimír: Acces to both anomers of rutinosyl azide using wild-type rutinosidase and its catalytic nucleophile mutant. Catalysis Communications, 149, 106193 1-5 (2021).
- Michael Kotík, Hana Javůrková, Katerina Brodsky, Helena Pelantová: Two fungal flavonoid-specific glucosidases/rutinosidases for rutin hydrolysis and rutinoside synthesis under homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction conditions. AMB Express, 11, 136: 1-11 (2021).
- Petr Pachl, Jana Kapešová, Jiří Brynda, Lada Biedermannová, Helena Pelantová, Pavla Bojarová, Vladimír Křen, Pavlína Řezáčová, Michael Kotík: Rutinosidase from Aspergillus niger: crystal structure and insight into the enzymatic activity. The FEBS Journal, 287 (15), 3315-3327 (2020).
- Katerina Brodsky, Michal Kutý, Helena Pelantová, Josef Cvačka, Martin Rebroš, Michael Kotík, Ivana Kutá Smatanová, Vladimír Křen, Pavla Bojarová: Dual Substrate Specificity of the Rutinosidase from Aspergillus niger and the Role of Its Substrate Tunnel. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21 (16), 5671: 1-21 (2020).
- Bojarová Pavla, Kulik Natallia, Slámová Kristýna, Hubálek Martin, Kotík Michael, Cvačka Josef, Pelantová Helena, Křen Vladimír: Selective β-N-acetylhexosaminidase from Aspergillus versicolor—a tool for producing bioactive carbohydrates. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 103 (4), 1737-1753 (2019).
- Mazzaferro S. Laura, Weiz Gisela, Braun Lucas, Kotík Michael, Pelantová Helena, Křen Vladimír, Breccia D. Javier: Enzyme-mediated transglycosylation of rutinose (6-O-α-L-rhamnosyl-D-glucose) to phenolic compounds by a diglycosidase from Acremonium DSM 24697. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 66 (1), 53-59 (2019).
- Kapešová Jana, Petrásková Lucie, Markošová Kristína, Rebroš Martin, Kotík Michael, Bojarová Pavla, Křen Vladimír: Bioproduction of Quercetin and Rutinose Catalyzed by Rutinosidase: Novel Concept of „Solid State Biocatalysis“. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20 (5), 1112 (1-15) (2019).
- Bassanini Ivan, Kapešová Jana, Petrásková Lucie, Pelantová Helena, Markošová Kristína, Rebroš Martin, Valentová Kateřina, Kotík Michael, Káňová Kristýna, Bojarová Pavla, Cvačka Josef, Turková Lucie, Ferrandi E. Erica, Bayout Ikram, Riva Sergio, Křen Vladimír: Glycosidase-Catalyzed Synthesis of Glycosyl Esters and Phenolic Glycosides of Aromatic Acids. Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 361 (11), 2627-2637 (2019).
- Weiz Gisela, Mazzaferro S. Laura, Kotík Michael, Neher D. Bárbara, Halada Petr, Křen Vladimír, Breccia D. Javier: The flavonoid degrading fungus Acremonium sp. DSM 24697 produces two diglycosidases with different specificities. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 103 (23-24), 9493-9504 (2019).
- Rädisch Robert, Chmátal Martin, Rucká Lenka, Novotný Petr, Petrásková Lucie, Halada Petr, Kotík Michael, Pátek Miroslav, Martínková Ludmila: Overproduction and characterization of the first enzyme of a new aldoxime dehydratase family in Bradyrhizobium. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 115, 746-753 (2018).
- Pachl Petr, Škerlová Jana, Šimčíková Daniela, Kotík Michael, Křenková Alena, Mader Pavel, Brynda Jiří, Kapešová Jana, Křen Vladimír, Otwinowski Zbyszek, Řezáčová Pavlína: Crystal structure of native α-L-rhamnosidase from Aspergillus terreus. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structual Biology, D74, part 11, 1078-1084 (2018).
- Kotík M., Vanáček P., Kuňka A., Prokop Z., Damborský J.: Metagenome-derived haloalkane dehalogenases with novel catalytic properties. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 101 (16), 6385-6397 (2017).
- Archelas A., Zhao W., Faure B., Iacazio G., Kotík M.: Epoxide hydrolase-catalyzed enantioselective conversion of trans-stilbene oxide: Insights into the reaction mechanism from steady-state and pre-steady-state enzyme kinetics. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 591, 66-75 (2016).
- Neher B.D., Mazzaferro L.S., Kotík M., Oyhenart J., Halada P., Křen V., Breccia J.D.: Bacteria as source of diglycosidase activity: Actinoplanes missouriensis produces 6-O-α-L-rhamnosyl-β-D-glucosidase active on flavonoids. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 100 (7), 3061-3070 (2016).
- Marková E., Kotík M., Křenková A., Man P., Haudecoeur R., Boumendjel A., Handré R., Mekmouche Y., Courvoisier-Dezord E., Réglier M., Martínková L.: Recombinant Tyrosinase from Polyporus arcularius: Overproduction in Escherichia coli, Characterization, and Use in a Study of Aurones as Tyrosinase Effectors. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64 (14), 2925-2931 (2016).
- Martínková L., Kotík M., Marková E., Homolka L.: Biodegradation of phenolic compounds by Basidiomycota and its phenol oxidases: A review. Chemosphere, 149, 373-382 (2016).
- Šimčíková D., Kotík M., Weignerová L., Halada P., Pelantová H., Adamcová K., Křen V.: alfa-L-Rhamnosyl-beta-D-glucosidase (Rutinosidase) from Aspergillus niger: Characterization and Synthetic Potential of a Novel Diglycosidase. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 357 (1), 107-117 (2015).
- Zhao W., Kotík M., Iacazio G., Archelas A.: Enantioselective Bio-Hydrolysis of Various Racemic and meso Aromatic Epoxides Using the Recombinant Epoxide Hydrolase Kau2. Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 357 (8), 1895-1908 (2015).
Last update: December 03, 2024